Daily Grounding Event

Come ground with us daily at sunset.
Click here for more information.

How we ground at Ascended Wellness

To get an extra boost of millivolts coursing through your body and charging your cells during your EE System sessions, we offer a grounding service utilizing grounding patches.  This is especially important to those who need physical healing in their bodies.

We put grounding patches on the palms of your hands as the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet are two parts of the body that are most conductive to energy – whether you are giving energy or receiving it.

Grounding is a service we offer with every single session at Ascended Wellness for a nominal fee of $10 per session.  If you are like many who schedule two to three back-to-back sessions at once (e.g., 4-6 hours at a time), a single grounding session fee will cover all your back-to-back sessions.  If you would like grounding included as part of your EE System session, simply click on the button when you’re asked about the grounding session during the reservation/check out process. To find out more about grounding, please watch our favorite documentary, The Earthing Movie – The Remarkable Science of Grounding.  The grounding products we use are from the Earthing company.

What exactly is grounding?

Grounding, also called earthing, is a technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to Mother earth.  It is the act of making direct skin contact with earth or natural bodies of water and drawing the earth’s energies into your body.  Examples of this can be walking barefoot on the sand at the beach, or on the pavement, sidewalk, or grass.  Lying down directly on the grass with your legs and arms touching the grass, gardening with no gloves on, making mud pie with your hands, swimming in the ocean or a lake, and a myriad of other things you might have done as a child.

Grounding is also available through technology such as through especially designed grounding mats, grounding flip flops and other specially made products that make that connection with the earth, so it passes on to you as you make direct skin contact with that specially made grounding item. 

When should you ground? 

Anytime you can.  Grounding increases the millivolts that are held as charge in the crystalline portion of your cells.  The more charged your cells, the higher the level of your millivolts, the healthier you are. If you are trying to heal a physical aspect of your body, grounding is recommended as grounding literally syncs your body to the healing heartbeat of Mother earth,  When you are synced to earth’s heartbeat at 7.83 hertz, you are helping to bring your pH level to an ideal 7.83pH.  Coincidence?  I think not.  

Are there times when you shouldn’t ground? 

Yes, there is.  Whether you choose to ground or not depends on what you are trying to achieve.  As stated above, grounding is excellent if your focus is healing the physical body, this includes mental healing. It is also important if your goal is to connect to earth and all of its glorious and wondrous creation – the trees, plants, earth itself, etc.  If your focus, however, is to experience more in the spiritual or other dimensional aspects of your being, you may want to experience the EE system environment without grounding.  As we relax and let go in the 5th dimensional coherent environment where there is perfect balance between matter (body) and spirit, many have reported out of body experiences, having visits from loved ones who have passed, making connection with their higher selves, and other higher dimensional experiences.  There are no guarantees and the best way to experience these things and more is to completely let go of all expectations and go with the flow of what is next for you, which is different for each one of us.  We are individually on our own unique journey of remembering who we are.  It is akin to the uniqueness of our fingerprints.  No two journeys of self-discovery are alike, and it is wonderfully unique and special to each and every one of us.