Have questions about bringing your pet?  Please connect with us.

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Terms and Conditions for Pets

Pets are welcome to receive the EE System sessions only during private reservations, day or night.  Pets must always be accompanied by a member.  Following are the terms and conditions for bringing pets to Ascended Wellness. 

Pet Behavior:

Only pets that are well behaved, house-trained and will not jump on the recliners or other furniture, are allowed at Ascended Wellness.  All pets must be on a leash or in their cages at all times.  If your pet is aggressive in any way, they are not allowed on the premises.  This includes but is not limited to incessant barking, growling, scratching, biting, attacking, to name just a few.  Pets that are prone to “mark their territory” with urine are not allowed on the premises.  Pets that spray are not allowed on the premises.  Pets that claw and destroy furniture are not allowed on the premises. 

House-Trained Pets:

Pets that are not house-trained are not allowed on the premises. 

Restricted Areas:

It is recommended that all pets be kept in a carrier while on the premises for the entire duration of the sessions.  Pets must be on a leash, in a carrier or always caged when not in the privately reserved space.  Pets are not allowed on any furniture including but not limited to the recliners, the shelves that the EE System units are on and other furniture.  No exceptions will be made.  If your pet cannot refrain from going on or jumping on the furniture or elsewhere, we will ask your pet to be in a carrier, even while in the privately reserved room, day or night.

Free of Pests (Ticks, Fleas, etc.):

All pets entering Ascended Wellness must be free of ticks, fleas and other pests.  If fleas, ticks and other pests are found upon entry, during or after a session with your pet, you will be responsible for all fumigation costs and loss of business for two days.  Two fumigations must occur when fleas and other pests are found.  The first is immediately upon discovery and a second fumigation which occurs 10 days later.  The loss of business for closing two full days multiplied by two plus the cost of professional fumigations will be in the tens of thousands of dollars.  Please do not bring your pets even if you suspect you have fleas or other pests. This includes blankets, dog beds or other things you may bring to make your pet comfortable while in our space.

Security/Cleaning Deposit:

There is a $350 hold as a security and cleaning deposit while you are in session. If the room is left in a similar condition as you found it at the start of your session, the hold will be released. 

If extra cleaning is required after your session, a $25 fee will automatically be charged.  If there is damage of any kind done to the room or its contents, the full $350 deposit fee will be kept, a portion of which may be returned if the damage does not exceed that amount. More may be required depending on the extent of the damage.

Damages can be, but are not limited to, furniture rips, tears, or clawings; urine and feces; ticks, fleas and other pests that need to be eradicated; destruction, sprays, scratches, and holes to walls, doors and other property on site; stains caused by any of the above activities; and more.

Removal from Site:

Pets and the responsible member that do not meet or that cannot abide by these terms and conditions will be asked to leave.  No refunds will be issued.